Archive for June, 2008

Ride the Bus, Austin

June 28, 2008

Summertime brings less traffic to Austin roads.  University students are back in their hometowns.  AISD kids are at home, or summer camp.  People take vacation.

So the rest of us get complacent.  We get used to the 45 minute commutes instead of the normal hour and ten.

How about riding the bus?  Sure, alot of folks complain about Austin’s public transit system.  But have you really given it serious thought.  If you are going from point A to point B and back to point A, maybe try the Cap Metro trip planner and see if it saves you time and money.  Time because you can do other things while you are sitting in the bus.  Money, cause you are not filling your tank with four dollar juice.

Give it a shot.  Austin Bus Trip Planner.  Let me know how it goes.

More bicycles around Austin

June 8, 2008

With gas topping 4$/gal, its no surprise Austinites are finding alternative modes of transportation.  Many folks are turning to the good ole bicycle as a means to get around.  A friend of mine recently purchased a bike.  As a fan of market supply and demand, I was intrigued to find that most of the bike shops around town didn’t have any of her preferred bikes in stock.  She finally settled on a Trek from Lance’s new Mellow Johnny’s bike shop downtown.  The staff there was very friendly and knowledgeable, and are helping Austin transform itself into a more bike-friendly city.

Now if we could only turn down the thermometer a bit…